
Monday, May 20, 2013

8 Sentence Sunday

Thanks for stopping by to check out my writing! This week I am bringing you my current WIP. It is from a book that I titled, "The Willow". Today's excerpt is a part of the Weekend Writing Warriors meme (also known as 8 Sentence Sunday). 
In this snippet, Juliana is waiting on her abusive, alcoholic fiancé James to come home for their New Year's celebration she had planned. He had promised her they would celebrate together, but as usual he has ruined her plans.

"With every minute that passed, my heart sank deeper into my chest. He should have been back by now. I do not know why I trusted him when he said he would come home in time. I knew that I shouldn't be surprised. The hands on the clock quickly turned to midnight. I rang in the New Year alone, sitting on my love seat watching as the happy couples filled the television screen with their overly long make out sessions. I put a noise maker to my mouth and slowly blew into it. The sound it emitted was the saddest, most pathetic noise I had ever heard."

Again, thank you for stopping by. Your support is greatly appreciated.
- Ashley E. Perry


  1. I think it's time for new year resolution. Now is it what she is going to think too? I'm really looking forward to what comes next.

  2. Oh man, what a sucky New Year! Well done, I really felt this one.

  3. Love the "sad" sound of the noisemaker. Nice touch.

  4. Yep. Time to move on. Could picture the scene perfectly:)

  5. You captured the moment well. I pictured it , poor girl!
    My Blog

  6. I love the last sentence. It's a great snippet. Well done!

  7. Oh, I really feel for her there.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and checking it out. :D

  8. That's so sad! Dump him, can do better!

  9. The emotion is so well portrayed :-( I HOPE she takes stock of the situation and does something before the next New Year's alone. Terrific snippet!

  10. alone...very nice!

  11. Oh that poor girl. I say dump the jerk and move on. Very nice portrayal of her loneliness, LOVED the last line.

  12. Ouch! great snippet. Definitely gives us a sense of how she's feeling

  13. That is so sad and good on you for making me feel that.

    History Sleuth's Writing mysteries

  14. How very poignant and sad. Good snippet!
