
Saturday, May 18, 2013

8 Sentence Sunday

Thanks for stopping by to check out my writing! This week I am introducing my current WIP. It is from a book that I titled, "The Willow". Today's excerpt is a part of the Weekend Writing Warriors meme (also known as 8 Sentence Sunday). 

This is the opening scene of the story, where the main character, Juliana Piper, is introduced and talking about the recent passing of her mother and the struggle of dealing with her feelings regarding her death.

     "When some people mourn the death of a loved one, they can just let it all go. They accept whatever happened and move on with their life. Not even bother with the whole mess of mourning and grief. Only, for me... well, I do not think I can let death go that easily. The passing of my mother nearly a year ago took from me this place that I called my home. It was now forever broken, and I felt as though nothing in this world could spin right again. For people like me, the hurt was electrifying and inside your heart breaks a little more with each passing day. If you have never felt that pain, consider yourself lucky." 

Again, thank you for stopping by. Your support is greatly appreciated.
- Ashley E. Perry


  1. Enjoyed your snippet. Feels almost poetic.

  2. "For people like me..." Nice. Used twice for emphasis? It seems like she's telling us that she's somehow different than reader or listener of the tale--which drew me in. It's intriguing. I agree with Cara that it's bordering poetic--but for me the last line changed the mood. That might be intentional. :-) With eight sentences, it's so hard to tell. :-) Nice 8!

  3. Intriguing, sad snippet but as Cara said, quite poetic in feeling. Can't wait to read more!

  4. Wow, I agree. This is a very poetic and moving introduction to the character. What does she mean by 'people like me'?

    1. Thanks, glad you like it. :) The main character, Juliana grew up without a father, also an only child. Her mother was the only family she had. Though she does have a close bond with someone in the spiritual world. ;)

  5. The poor girl. It's clear that she feels the loss very deeply. Excellent evocation of her grief.
